How to do a Global Multilingual Website? A Guide to Internationalisation (Updated 2024)

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Burning Questions

Table of Contents

Many Global CMOs are often faced with the task of getting their websites localised and translated into multiple languages, which is a complex task on its own. With the core requirements of a local market leading the content creation effort, it can become even more challenging. If a resource-heavy local market has little marketing capacity, the responsibility falls under global marketing.

1. How Much Does It Cost to Implement Internationalisation in a Multilingual Website?

The cost to implement internationalisation in a multilingual website can vary widely based on numerous factors. To get a comprehensive understanding, it’s essential to consider the different components that contribute to the overall cost:

  • Initial Assessment: The starting point involves evaluating the website’s current state and what needs to be changed or added to facilitate internationalisation. This might include content strategy, UI/UX design adjustments, and technical infrastructure analysis.
  • Translation and Localisation: Costs for translation services can differ greatly depending on the language pairs, the volume of content, and the translation method (e.g., human translation, machine translation with human editing, etc.). Moreover, localisation—adapting content for cultural nuances—can add to the expense.
  • Development: The complexity of implementing multilingual support in the website’s codebase can affect the cost. This includes the expense of developers’ time and possibly the purchase of plugins or modules to extend functionality.
  • Content Management System (CMS): Some CMS platforms are better equipped for internationalisation and might require less customisation, potentially reducing costs. Others may require the purchase of additional plugins or extensions.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing costs such as updating translations, managing SEO for multiple languages, and technical support should also be considered.

Given these variables, the cost can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of pounds. Small websites with fewer languages and straightforward content may be on the lower end of the spectrum, whereas large, complex sites with numerous languages and content types will incur higher costs.

2. What Are the Common Issues Faced During the Internationalisation Process of a Website?

Several common issues are encountered during the internationalisation process of a website. Addressing these challenges is crucial for a smooth transition to a multilingual platform:

  • Language and Cultural Nuances: Translating content accurately while maintaining cultural relevance can be challenging. Nuances such as idioms, humour, and local customs need careful consideration to avoid misinterpretation.
  • Technical Complexity: Adapting a website’s codebase to support multiple languages can be complex. It may involve dealing with character encoding, layout changes to accommodate different text directions, and ensuring the CMS can handle multilingual content.
  • SEO Considerations: Managing SEO for multiple language versions can be intricate. It’s necessary to optimise content for different regions and search engines, considering local search habits and keywords.
  • User Experience Challenges: Providing a consistent user experience across all language versions is imperative. This includes ensuring that navigation, forms, and calls to action are all appropriately localised.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Different countries have varying legal requirements for digital content. Ensuring compliance with these laws, such as data protection regulations, can be complex.


Internationalisation Process Improvement
What you are left with is a very diverse and slow-moving process. We’ve seen this time and time again, when we deploy a global site, shortly followed by the distribution of the local sites. These must be populated by the individual territory business units. As the world goes, some teams move faster than others, and you end up with a timeframe variation of 1 to 6 months.

Multilingual Set Right
We pondered for a while on how to address this issue, and we came up with a set and tested process that speeds up the initial local market deployment. Also, this process guarantees a professional level of translation and efficiency of all important local market input.

We’ve implemented the very same process as different clients and multiple platforms – mainly DrupalWordPress and Magento. What we learnt was that as long as the CMS (or its modules) support machine learning translations and paid-for professional translations, the process itself is efficient and platform agnostic.

Cutting Time to Market
Having worked on Pan European and Global CMS deployments, we’ve noticed a tremendous improvement in local markets’ launch timeframes. We’ve seen localised sites, translated to professional levels with the inclusion of local leadership feedback within as short as two weeks. That’s a major step-up from a minimum of 1 to 6 months. Across the board, the lunchtime frames were halved.

Incentivise Local Markets
Involving budgetary contribution initially is crucial in getting a local market to deliver and deploy a website in a timely manner. Even if bulk of the website design and development budget came from the global marketing team, having a local market pay for their site is of high importance.

Basically, not all territories can afford to spend as much as the developed markets. However, in reality, if a local marketing team gets their website for “free” (as in, without any management signed-off investment), they won’t be as eager to launch the site, since there is no downward pressure. This approach also addresses the fact that individual markets can get websites done locally at much lower costs. From experience, this does not provide a coherent user experience, security, quality and, most importantly, global oversight over the brand and content.

Hand Holding
After sorting out the initial translation hurdle, another crucial element to keep in mind is the ongoing support provided to the local market. While they are getting their website online, we conduct CMS training, provide documentation and set up a knowledge base. However, what matters the most is that personal touch − the helping hand of our customer service team that guides and helps the local market with any obstacles along the way.

Managing Feature Requests
Apart from the translation element, we also have a policy around website features and developments across a localised website. Our particular model is based on having one master source distributed to local markets.

In terms of the code, everybody gets the same functionality regardless of the market investment in the platform. In addition, local markets who commission features automatically make them available to the entire global “ecosystem”. This helps greatly with the overall investment across the global and local marketing teams. As many of the requirements overlap between markets, one team completing a certain feature benefits all the markets and decreases total budget.

Getting The Integration Jobs Done
Handling HR requirement can also be an important aspect of a global website setup, as managing the engagement and inflow of job candidates across the markets can be tricky. Over the years, we worked with many great recruitment platforms and integrated these into our global/local website ecosystem. What we’ve learnt is that while recruitment platforms vary quite substantially across the markets, there are some overlaps which save budget when markets jointly commission such integration.

Tracking Global and Local Progress
One overarching element that’s ever present in a global deployment is the appropriate setup of a tracking that reports on both global and local level to the degree that satisfies ExCo, the CMO and local marketing teams. However, this cannot be achieved without a proper measurement plan implemented across the various sites and consolidated into an easy-to-understand reporting dashboard. We manage this process via the clever usage of Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Google Looker.

Addressing these issues typically requires a multidisciplinary approach, including the expertise of translators, web developers, SEO specialists, and legal advisors.

3. Which CMS Is Best Suited for Creating a Multilingual Website?

Choosing the best CMS for a multilingual website depends on specific needs, including scalability, ease of use, and the level of customisation required. Here are a few CMS platforms commonly regarded as well-suited for multilingual websites:

CMS PlatformStrengths
WordPressExtensive plugin ecosystem, user-friendly
DrupalRobust multilingual support out-of-the-box
Joomla!Good balance between extensibility and ease-of-use
Magneto (for e-commerce)Strong support for internationalisation in e-commerce

WordPress, with its plugin WMPL and  Polylang, is widely used due to its user-friendliness and extensive community support. Drupal is particularly robust in its core multilingual capabilities, making it a strong contender for complex, content-heavy sites. Joomla! offers a middle ground with native support for multilingual content. For e-commerce sites, Magento provides comprehensive tools for internationalisation. The choice will ultimately depend on the project’s requirements and the team’s expertise with the CMS.

4. How Do You Ensure Effective SEO Tracking on Both Global and Local Levels for an International Website?

To ensure effective SEO tracking on a global and local level for an international website, it is essential to implement a strategic approach:

  • URL Structure: Employ an SEO-friendly URL structure that differentiates between languages and countries, such as using subdirectories ( or top-level domains (
  • hreflang Tags: Utilise hreflang tags to indicate language and regional targeting, which helps search engines serve the correct language version of your site in search results.
  • Local Keywords: Research and target local keywords specific to each language and region to attract local audiences.
  • Localised Content: Create content that resonates with local cultures and preferences, and ensure it is optimised for local SEO.
  • Webmaster Tools: Use webmaster tools like Google Search Console to monitor and manage your site’s presence in search results across different regions.

Integrating analytics tools to track user behaviour and conversion metrics in each language version is also vital. This data helps refine SEO strategies and improve performance over time.

5. Where Can I Find Reviews of the Drupal Internationalisation Process?

Reviews of the Drupal internationalisation process can be found on various platforms that cater to web development professionals:

  • Drupal’s official website provides case studies, forums, and documentation where users often share their experiences with internationalisation.
  • G2 and Capterra: These business software review platforms feature user-generated reviews and ratings of Drupal, including insights into its internationalisation capabilities.
  • Developer Blogs and Forums: Personal blogs of developers and online forums such as Stack Overflow can offer anecdotal evidence and detailed accounts of working with Drupal’s internationalisation features.
  • Social Media Groups: LinkedIn groups and Facebook communities dedicated to Drupal are a good source of discussions and reviews from professionals.

Prospective users seeking in-depth reviews should consider looking at a combination of these sources to get a well-rounded view of the Drupal internationalisation process. For example, the Drupal forums are a great place to start.

6. What Is the Best Machine Translation Tool to Use for Website Internationalisation?

Identifying the “best” machine translation tool for website internationalisation depends on various factors including the specific languages required, the level of accuracy needed, integration capabilities, and budget constraints. However, as of the current knowledge cutoff in 2023, Google Translate is highly regarded due to its wide language support and ease of integration. Another strong contender is DeepL, noted for its translation quality and nuanced language processing. Microsoft Translator is also a viable option, offering robust APIs for integration with websites and applications.

When selecting a machine translation tool, it is essential to consider the following criteria:

  1. ACCURACY AND QUALITY OF TRANSLATION: The tool should provide high-quality translations that preserve the original content’s meaning and context.
  2. LANGUAGE COVERAGE: It should support a wide range of languages and dialects to cater to a global audience.
  3. INTEGRATION: The tool must integrate seamlessly with existing website infrastructure, including content management systems (CMS) and e-commerce platforms.
  4. CUSTOMISATION: The ability to train the translation model with industry-specific terminology or company lexicon is a significant advantage.
  5. COST: The pricing model should align with the size and scale of the business, with consideration for potential growth and increased translation volume.

For more advanced or custom needs, companies might consider leveraging translation management systems (TMS) like SDL Trados Studio or Memsource, which offer more sophisticated features and better control over the translation process.

Ultimately, the choice of tool should be guided by a balance of these factors, taking into consideration the nature of the website content and the target audience.

7. How Do You Manage Professional Translation for Website Content?

Managing professional translation for website content is a multi-step process that requires careful planning and execution. The following are key steps involved:

  1. ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS: Determine the scope of the website content that requires translation, including text, multimedia, and any dynamic elements. Establish which languages are essential for your target audience.
  2. SELECTION OF PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS: Choose translators with expertise in the website’s subject matter and fluency in the required languages. It’s often beneficial to work with native speakers for better cultural relevance.
  3. TRANSLATION MEMORY TOOLS: Implement translation memory software to maintain consistency across the website and reduce translation costs by reusing previously translated segments.
  4. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Establish a QA process that includes proofreading, editing and validation of translations by additional linguists to ensure accuracy and quality.
  5. LOCALISATION: Beyond translation, adapt the content to the cultural context of the target audience, considering local customs, idioms, and regional differences.
  6. INTEGRATION WITH CMS: Use a CMS that supports multilingual content management, making it easier to update and maintain translated versions of the website.
  7. CONTINUOUS UPDATES: Set up a process for regularly updating translated content to keep pace with changes in the source language version.

Professional translation services like Translated.netLionbridge, or SDL can be enlisted to manage the translation workflow, providing access to qualified translators and localisation experts.

8. Which International Recruitment Platforms Are the Most Effective for Global Talent Acquisition?

For global talent acquisition, several international recruitment platforms stand out for their effectiveness in reaching and engaging a diverse candidate pool. These include:

LinkedInExtensive professional network, advanced search capabilities, and active job postings.
IndeedLarge job listing database, pay-per-click job advertising model, and resume search functionalities.
GlassdoorInsights into company culture, salaries, and reviews alongside job listings.
MonsterBroad international reach and a variety of tools for employers and job seekers.

When selecting a platform, employers should consider factors such as the industry sector, the level of positions being filled, and the geographical regions targeted. Niche job boards specific to certain industries or regions can also be highly effective for targeted recruitment efforts.

9. How Does Magento Internationalisation Compare with Other E-commerce Platforms?

Magento is one of the leading e-commerce platforms that offers comprehensive internationalisation features. Compared to other platforms, Magento provides robust tools for creating multilingual and multi-currency stores, customising payment and shipping options to suit different regions, and offering localised content and promotions. Its internationalisation capabilities are often compared with those of platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce.

Key comparisons include:

Language SupportExtensive with third-party extensionsLimited without apps or custom developmentDepends on WordPress pluginsNative support for multiple languages
Currency HandlingAdvanced options for multiple currenciesBasic multi-currency supportRequires plugins for full functionalityGood support for multiple currencies
LocalisationHighly customisable tax and shipping rulesSimpler tax and shipping settingsFlexible with additional pluginsConfigurable tax and shipping options

Magento’s open-source nature allows for a high level of customisation, which is ideal for businesses with specific internationalisation requirements. However, it may require more technical expertise compared to more turnkey solutions like Shopify or BigCommerce.

10. What Are the Best Practices for WordPress Internationalisation?

Internationalising a WordPress website involves several best practices to ensure a seamless experience for users around the globe:

  1. USE INTERNATIONALISATION-FRIENDLY THEMES AND PLUGINS: Select themes and plugins that are translation-ready and support internationalisation standards.
  2. IMPLEMENT MULTILINGUAL PLUGINS: Utilise plugins such as WPML or Polylang to manage multilingual content.
  3. LOCALISATION: Go beyond translation and localise content to suit cultural nuances and preferences of the target audience.
  4. SEO FOR MULTIPLE LANGUAGES: Apply SEO best practices for multilingual sites, including hreflang tags and localised keywords.
  5. SUPPORT FOR RIGHT-TO-LEFT (RTL) SCRIPTS: Ensure that your theme and design support RTL languages if required.
  6. MAINTAIN CONSISTENT AND REGULAR UPDATES: Keep all languages updated with the latest content changes.

By following these best practices, WordPress websites can effectively cater to an international audience, offering a localised user experience that can help drive global engagement and growth.

11. How Do You Handle Content Management in a Multilingual CMS?

Managing content in a multilingual Content Management System (CMS) involves a strategic approach that ensures all content is accurately and coherently presented in multiple languages. The process often includes the following steps:

  1. CHOOSING THE RIGHT MULTILINGUAL CMS: Select a CMS that supports multilingual content and provides an interface for managing translations. Popular platforms like WordPress, with plugins such as WPML, or Drupal with its built-in multilingual capabilities, are often chosen.
  2. CONTENT SYNCHRONISATION: Ensure that the CMS can keep the content synchronised across different languages. This includes the structure, metadata, and assets associated with the content.
  3. TRANSLATION WORKFLOW: Implement a translation workflow that allows for content to be easily translated, reviewed, and published. Some CMS platforms provide integrated workflow tools for this purpose.
  4. PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATION SERVICES: For high-quality translations, professional translation services may be used, or in-house translators if available. This ensures the content is culturally relevant and accurate.
  5. AUTOMATED TRANSLATION TOOLS: For some content, automated translation tools can be used as a starting point. However, human review is crucial for maintaining quality.
  6. LOCALISATION: Adapt the content to local markets, considering local customs, currency, date formats, and legal requirements.
  7. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Regularly review and update the content to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. This may include proofreading by native speakers and checking for technical consistency.
  8. SEO CONSIDERATIONS: Implement SEO strategies for multilingual content to ensure visibility in search engines for different languages and regions.

Throughout this process, it’s important to maintain a balance between automation and human oversight to ensure that the content is not only accurately translated but also culturally appropriate and engaging for each target audience.

12. What Are the Typical Costs Associated With Professional Translation for a Multilingual Website?

The costs associated with professional translation can vary widely depending on several factors. These factors include the number of languages, the complexity of the content, the volume of content to be translated, the turnaround time required, and the reputation and pricing model of the translation service provider. Generally, costs are calculated on a per-word basis, with rates differing for each language pair.

LanguageCost Range per Word
Common European Languages (e.g., French, Spanish)£0.10 – £0.25
Less Common Languages (e.g., Finnish, Danish)£0.15 – £0.30
Asian Languages (e.g., Chinese, Japanese)£0.12 – £0.28
Complex Languages (e.g., Arabic, Russian)£0.12 – £0.25

In addition to per-word costs, there may be additional charges for project management, formatting, proofreading, and rush deliveries. Moreover, discounts might be offered for large volumes or repetitive content. To get an accurate estimate, it’s advisable to request detailed quotes from several providers.

13. What Problems Might Arise with Machine Translation on a Multilingual Website?

Machine translation can present various problems on a multilingual website, particularly when it comes to maintaining the accuracy and nuance of the original content. Some common issues include:

  1. LACK OF CONTEXT: Machine translation often fails to understand the context, leading to literal translations that don’t convey the intended meaning.
  2. CULTURAL NUANCES: Subtle cultural references or idiomatic expressions can be lost or incorrectly translated.
  3. ERRORS IN GRAMMAR AND SYNTAX: Machines may struggle with complex grammar and sentence structures, resulting in awkward or incorrect phrasing.
  4. TECHNICAL TERMINOLOGY: Specialised or industry-specific jargon may not be accurately translated.
  5. INCONSISTENCY: There might be inconsistencies in terminology and style across the website.
  6. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Inaccurate translations can lead to misunderstandings or non-compliance with local regulations.

To mitigate these issues, it’s important to combine machine translation with human post-editing, ensuring that content is both accurate and culturally appropriate.

14. How Do You Select the Right Languages for Your Website Internationalisation?

Selecting the right languages for website internationalisation involves a strategic approach that takes into account various business and market factors:

  1. MARKET RESEARCH: Conduct thorough market research to identify the languages spoken by your primary target audiences.
  2. BUSINESS GOALS: Align language selection with your business objectives and areas of potential growth.
  3. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS: Look at the languages your competitors are targeting to understand market expectations and opportunities.
  4. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Consider any legal requirements for language provision in the markets you are entering.
  5. RESOURCE AVAILABILITY: Assess your ability to support and maintain content in each language, including customer service and updates.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on a combination of market potential, customer needs, and the company’s capacity to deliver high-quality content and services in the selected languages.

15. What Are the Key Factors to Consider When Comparing International Recruitment Platforms?

When comparing international recruitment platforms, there are several key factors to consider to ensure you choose the right platform for your hiring needs:

  1. GLOBAL REACH AND SPECIALISATION: Assess whether the platform has a wide global reach and if it specialises in certain regions or industries.
  2. CANDIDATE QUALITY: Look at the platform’s track record for attracting high-quality candidates.
  3. USER EXPERIENCE: Evaluate the ease of use for both employers and job seekers, including the interface and search functionalities.
  4. COSTS: Consider the pricing model, including any subscription fees or charges per job posting or candidate contact.
  5. INTEGRATION CAPABILITIES: Check if the platform can integrate with your HR systems and workflows.
  6. SUPPORT SERVICES: Ensure the platform offers adequate support services, such as customer service, technical support, and legal compliance assistance.
  7. ANALYTICS AND REPORTING: Determine whether the platform provides useful analytics and reporting tools to track the success of your recruitment efforts.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select an international recruitment platform that aligns with your organisation’s recruitment strategies and goals.

16. How Can You Measure the Success of Your Global and Local SEO Efforts?

Measuring the success of Global and Local SEO efforts involves a comprehensive approach that tracks various metrics to gauge performance, audience reach, engagement, and conversion rates. It is essential to differentiate between global and local metrics to understand how each strategy contributes to the success of your overall online presence.

For Global SEO, the focus is on reaching a broad international audience, enhancing visibility across different countries, and ensuring that your content is accessible and relevant to users around the world. Key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure include:

  1. ORGANIC TRAFFIC: Monitoring the volume of visitors coming from search engines can indicate the effectiveness of your global SEO. Tools like Google Analytics provide insights into international traffic sources.
  2. BOUNCE RATE: This metric shows the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that your content is not engaging or relevant to a global audience.
  3. SERP RANKINGS: Search Engine Results Page (SERP) rankings for targeted keywords on a global scale. Using tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can help track your rankings in different countries.
  4. CONVERSION RATE: The number of global visitors who take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, compared to the total number of visitors.
  5. BACKLINK PROFILE: The quantity and quality of backlinks from diverse domains and countries can boost global authority and rankings.

For Local SEO, the focus shifts to targeting specific regions, cities, or even neighbourhoods. This is particularly important for businesses with physical locations or those serving particular local markets. Metrics to consider include:

  1. LOCAL SEARCH RANKINGS: Your visibility in local search results, including Google’s Local Pack, for region-specific keywords.
  2. LOCAL ORGANIC TRAFFIC: The amount of traffic received from searches within a specific locality.
  3. CITATIONS AND NAP CONSISTENCY: The presence and accuracy of your business’s Name, Address, and Phone number across local directories and listings.
  4. LOCAL BACKLINKS: Links from local sources, which can include local news outlets, community websites, and local bloggers.
  5. REVIEWS AND RATINGS: Quantity and quality of reviews on platforms like Google My Business and Yelp, which can affect local search visibility and consumer trust.

To effectively measure both Global and Local SEO efforts, it is advisable to use a combination of analytics tools, rank tracking software, and customer feedback mechanisms. Regular analysis and reporting will enable you to adjust your strategies for continual improvement.

17. What Are the Best Strategies for Managing a Multilingual Website’s Content Updates?

Managing content updates for a multilingual website is crucial for providing up-to-date and relevant information to a diverse audience. The best strategies for managing these updates involve a mix of technological solutions, workflow optimisation, and quality assurance processes.

Here are several key strategies:

  1. CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS): Use a CMS that supports multilingual content and automated workflows. This can facilitate the process of updating content across different language versions of your site.
  2. TRANSLATION MEMORY SOFTWARE: This software stores previously translated content, making it easier and more cost-effective to update similar or repetitive content across multiple languages.
  3. PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS AND LOCALISATION EXPERTS: Engage with language professionals who are not only skilled in translation but also have an understanding of cultural nuances and localisation requirements.
  4. REGULAR AUDITS: Conduct regular audits of your multilingual content to ensure accuracy, relevance, and consistency across all languages.
  5. CENTRALISED CONTENT CALENDAR: A unified content calendar helps coordinate updates and ensures that all language versions are aligned in terms of timing and messaging.

By incorporating these strategies, you can maintain the integrity of your multilingual content and provide a consistent experience for users no matter their language preference.

18. How Do You Accommodate Cultural Differences in International Website Design?

Accommodating cultural differences in international website design is crucial for creating an inclusive and effective online experience for a global audience. Here are some strategies for addressing cultural considerations:

  1. USER INTERFACE (UI) AND USER EXPERIENCE (UX) DESIGN: Adapt UI elements such as colours, images, and layout to reflect cultural preferences and norms. For instance, the colour red may be auspicious in some cultures but signify danger in others. Similarly, UX design should consider local user behaviours and navigation preferences.
  2. CONTENT LOCALISATION: Go beyond simple translation and localise content to resonate with local audiences. This includes adapting idioms, symbols, and storytelling techniques to be culturally relevant.
  3. PAYMENT AND SHIPPING OPTIONS: Offer payment and shipping options that cater to local preferences and infrastructures. For example, some regions may prefer cash on delivery or local payment systems over credit cards.
  4. LEGAL AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: Ensure that your website meets the legal requirements of each region, including data protection laws and consumer rights regulations.
  5. ENGAGE WITH LOCAL EXPERTS: Collaborate with local designers, marketers, and cultural consultants who can provide insights into the local market and help tailor your website accordingly.

By taking these factors into account, you can create a website that is not only functional but also culturally sensitive and appealing to international users.

19. What Are the Most Effective Ways to Test a Multilingual Website’s User Experience?

Testing a multilingual website’s user experience (UX) is a critical step in ensuring that the site is accessible and user-friendly for a global audience. The most effective ways to test UX for multilingual websites include:

  1. USE OF LOCAL TESTERS: Engage native speakers who are local to the regions targeted by the website. They will provide valuable insights into cultural nuances and user expectations.
  2. USABILITY TESTING: Conduct usability tests in each language to identify any issues with navigation, content clarity, or functionality.
  3. A/B TESTING: Implement A/B testing to compare different versions of a page in the same language to determine which is more effective in engaging users.
  4. HEATMAPS AND ANALYTICS: Use heatmaps and analytics tools to observe how users interact with the website in different languages. This can highlight any problem areas that need attention.
  5. FEEDBACK MECHANISMS: Provide easy ways for users to give feedback on their experience, such as surveys or comment sections, and make sure to act on the insights gained.

By employing these testing methods, you can refine the UX of your multilingual website to better serve your international audience.

20. How Do You Integrate Social Media into Your Internationalisation Strategy?

Integrating social media into an internationalisation strategy requires a tailored approach that respects cultural differences and leverages local platforms. Here’s how to effectively integrate social media:

  1. SELECT APPROPRIATE PLATFORMS: Not all social media platforms are popular or even available in every country. Research and select platforms that have significant reach in the regions you are targeting.
  2. LOCALISED CONTENT: Create content that is relevant and engaging for each specific market. This might mean adapting campaigns to reflect local holidays, events, or cultural trends.
  3. LANGUAGE CONSIDERATIONS: Post in the local languages of your target audiences to ensure that your content is accessible and relatable.
  4. COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT: Have community managers who understand local languages and cultural nuances. This helps in managing interactions and building relationships with the audience.
  5. LOCAL INFLUENCERS: Partner with local influencers who can help amplify your message and lend credibility to your brand within the region.

By implementing these steps, social media can become a powerful component of your international marketing efforts, helping you connect with global audiences in a meaningful way.

21. What Are the Legal Considerations When Setting Up Internationalisation on a Website?

When setting up internationalisation on a website, there are several legal considerations that must be taken into account to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in different jurisdictions. These considerations are critical to avoid legal penalties, fines, and reputational damage.

  1. DATA PROTECTION LAWS: Different countries have different data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, which imposes strict rules on data handling and privacy. Website operators must ensure that their data collection, processing, and storage practices are in line with the laws of each region they operate in.
  2. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: When internationalising content, it’s important to ensure that all intellectual property rights are respected. This includes copyright, trademarks, and patents. The website must have the right to use any content, images, or logos in each jurisdiction.
  3. CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS: E-commerce websites must adhere to local consumer protection laws, which include regulations on advertising, product labelling, and return policies. Such laws vary widely and can impact how products and services are marketed and sold in different regions.
  4. CENSORSHIP AND CONTENT RESTRICTIONS: Some countries have strict censorship laws or content restrictions. It’s crucial to be aware of these when providing content to avoid violating any local regulations.
  5. CONTRACTUAL AND PAYMENT REGULATIONS: When dealing with customers from different countries, websites must comply with local contract laws and payment processing regulations, which may include currency restrictions and tax considerations.


Legal AspectDescriptionExample
Data ProtectionCompliance with local data privacy laws.GDPR in the EU.
Intellectual PropertyRespecting copyrights and trademarks.Using only licensed images.
Consumer ProtectionAdhering to rules on advertising and returns.Clear product labelling requirements.
CensorshipNavigating content restrictions.Altering content for markets with strict media controls.
Contractual ObligationsUnderstanding local contract law.Customising terms of service per region.

Additionally, it’s important for website operators to stay informed about changes in legislation, which could affect their international operations. Consulting with legal experts who specialise in international law and e-commerce is often a prudent step to ensure ongoing compliance.

22. How Do You Ensure Data Privacy Compliance in Different Regions During Website Internationalisation?

Ensuring data privacy compliance in different regions during website internationalisation is a complex task that requires a strategic approach to meet diverse regulatory requirements. Here’s how to address this challenge:

    • Understand Local Laws: Research and understand the data protection laws in each region where the website will operate, such as the GDPR in the EU or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US.
    • Appoint Data Protection Officers: Consider appointing local data protection officers or legal advisors who are familiar with regional laws to oversee compliance efforts.
    • Implement Privacy by Design: Incorporate data privacy into the design of the website’s systems and processes from the outset.
    • Localise Privacy Policies: Draft clear and comprehensive privacy policies that are tailored to meet the legal requirements of each jurisdiction, and ensure they are accessible and understandable to users in their local languages.
    • Data Storage and Transfer: Determine where data will be stored and ensure that any transfers across borders comply with regional laws, such as the use of Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) or Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) for data transfers out of the EU.
    • Obtain Informed Consent: Implement mechanisms to obtain and document informed consent from users for data collection and processing, respecting their right to opt-in or opt-out where required.
    • Regular Audits and Updates: Conduct regular audits of data practices to ensure ongoing compliance and update policies and procedures in response to legal changes.

Ensuring compliance often involves adapting website functions to align with local practices. For instance, cookie consent banners might need to be more prominent or provide more detailed options in some regions. The use of Iubenda or similar services can help automate some of the compliance aspects across different jurisdictions.

23. What Are the Challenges of Maintaining Brand Consistency Across Multiple Languages?

Maintaining brand consistency across multiple languages presents several challenges, which primarily revolve around cultural nuances and linguistic differences:

    1. TRANSLATION ACCURACY: Direct translations often do not convey the intended meaning due to cultural differences. It’s crucial to ensure that translations are accurate and culturally appropriate.
    2. NUANCES AND LOCALISATION: Brands need to adapt their messaging to reflect local idioms, humour, and cultural references, which can be challenging without losing the core brand essence.
    3. VISUAL BRANDING: Images, colours, and designs can have different connotations in different cultures. These elements need to be carefully reviewed to ensure they are culturally sensitive and aligned with the brand identity.
    4. LEGAL RESTRICTIONS: Some branding elements might not be usable in all regions due to trademark issues or local regulations.
    5. CONSISTENT VOICE AND TONE: Maintaining a consistent brand voice and tone across languages is difficult, especially when working with multiple translators or agencies.

Developing a comprehensive brand style guide that includes language-specific guidelines can greatly help in maintaining consistency. Collaboration with local marketing experts and professional translators who specialise in localisation can also mitigate these challenges. Services like TranslateMedia may provide expert support in this area.

24. How Do You Educate Your Team About the Importance of Internationalisation for Global Reach?

Educating your team about the importance of internationalisation for global reach involves a strategic approach to fostering an inclusive and global mindset among employees:

    1. TRAINING SESSIONS: Conduct regular training sessions that include the basics of internationalisation, cultural sensitivity, and the benefits of reaching a global audience.
    2. WORKSHOPS: Host workshops with experts in international business and cross-cultural communication to provide practical insights into the intricacies of working in a global market.
    3. INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS: Use internal communications to share success stories of internationalisation efforts and how they have positively impacted the business.
    4. INCLUSION OF INTERNATIONAL TEAMS: Encourage collaboration between international teams to share knowledge and best practices for engaging with different markets.
    5. LEADERSHIP ENDORSEMENT: Obtain endorsement from top management to highlight internationalisation as a strategic priority for the company.

Resources such as Hofstede Insights can provide valuable information on cultural dimensions that team members need to understand when engaging with international markets. Additionally, including internationalisation goals in individual performance metrics can also help to incentivise team members to prioritise this aspect of the business.

25. What Methods Are There to Keep Translation Costs Down While Maintaining Quality on a Multilingual Website?

To keep translation costs down while maintaining quality on a multilingual website, businesses can employ several strategies:

    • Machine Translation with Human Post-Editing: Use machine translation to create initial drafts and then have professional translators review and refine the content.
    • Translation Memory Software: Implement translation memory tools that store previously translated content, which can be reused for future translations to save time and money.
    • Consistent Terminology: Develop a glossary of terms to ensure consistency across translations, which can reduce the workload for translators and prevent costly mistakes.
    • Selective Translation: Determine which parts of the website are most important for translation, such as core product information, while leaving some sections in a universal language like English.
    • Community Translation: Engage with the user community to help translate content
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