Which is the Best CMS for 2024? (PHP and .NET)

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Burning Questions

Choosing the best CMS (Content Management System) is essential for any successful marketing project.

With so many options available and their respective pros and cons, it’s important to select a CMS that best suits your needs. Whether you’re trying to create an easy-to-use website or store data securely, the right platform can make all the difference between success and failure. To help marketers make informed decisions this year, we decided to investigate which are the best content management systems of 2024.

List of 50+ CMSes to choose from

From traditional platforms with years of history behind them to cutting edge applications launching every week, let’s explore which ones are worth considering for modern digital projects in today’s world.

1. Introduction to CMS landscape

It’s clear that the already packed world of content management systems (CMS) will continue to evolve and innovate. The importance of a strong online presence has meant that businesses of all sizes are increasingly relying on CMS to manage their digital content. With the rise of newer technologies like AI and machine learning, we can expect to see more CMS offerings that leverage these capabilities to deliver highly targeted content experiences. At the same time, we can’t overlook the importance of basic functionality – ease of use, flexibility, and reliable performance will remain key considerations for businesses evaluating CMS solutions. In short, the CMS landscape in 2024 promises to be both exciting and challenging for organizations looking to make the most of their digital content.

PHP CMS Examples:

  1. WordPress, according to BuiltWith leads with a 25.33% share among the top 1 million sites. W3Techs report a 43.2% share of all websites and a 65.1% share among websites with a known CMS. But there’s a wealth of others like…
  2. Laravel Nova: A beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel, which is a popular PHP framework.
  3. Symfony CMSes: While Symfony is a framework rather than a CMS, there are CMSes built on Symfony, like Bolt and Sylius for e-commerce.
  4. Grav: A modern flat-file CMS, which means it doesn’t require a database.
  5. Backdrop CMS: A fork of Drupal, focusing on simplicity and aimed at small to medium-sized businesses and non-profits.
  6. Fork CMS: Aimed at creating a user-friendly environment to build, monitor, and update your website.
  7. Neos: An open-source Content Application Platform based on its own PHP framework, Flow.

.NET CMS Examples:

  1. Orchard CMS: A free, open-source, community-focused Content Management System built on the ASP.NET MVC platform.
  2. Kentico Xperience: A web content management system that combines content management, digital marketing, and e-commerce.
  3. Umbraco Heartcore: A headless CMS for .NET, allowing you to use Umbraco as a headless CMS with any platform or device.
  4. Piranha CMS: A lightweight, cross-platform CMS library for NetStandard, NetCore, and .NET. It can be integrated into existing applications or used as a standalone CMS.
  5. DotCMS: A hybrid CMS that can run on .NET through a docker container, offering both headless and traditional CMS capabilities.
  6. Squidex: An open-source headless CMS and content management hub, targeting the .NET platform.

Learn More About CMS Platforms

2. List of 50+ most popular CMS’s

Choosing the right CMS can be a complex decision, as there are countless options available in the market. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 50 most popular CMS’s to help you make an informed decision. Each CMS on this list comes with its set of features and benefits, which can be tailored to meet your specific needs. From WordPress to Shopify, Joomla to Magento, and all options in between, this list provides a comprehensive overview of the most widely used CMS’s in the market today. So, whether you’re creating a simple blog or setting up a complex e-commerce store, this list can help you find the perfect CMS for your needs.

Here’s a short list of the most popular Content Management Systems, divided into PHP and .NET:


  1. WordPress
  2. Drupal
  3. Craft CMS
  4. MODX
  5. SilverStripe
  6. Pimcore
  7. TYPO3
  8. Joomla
  9. Concrete5
  10. CMS Made Simple
  11. PrestaShop
  12. Magento
  13. WooCommerce
  14. OpenCart
  15. ExpressionEngine
  16. October CMS
  17. Contao
  18. eZ Publish
  19. PyroCMS
  20. Bolt CMS
  21. Grav
  22. ProcessWire
  23. Redaxscript
  24. GetSimple CMS
  25. Bludit
  26. Wolf CMS
  27. Microweber
  28. Nibbleblog
  29. ImpressCMS
  30. Koken
  31. Mahara
  32. Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
  33. phpwcms
  34. sNews
  35. Xaraya
  36. phpMyFAQ
  37. PHP-Nuke
  38. Yellow
  39. Zenario
  40. Bigace
  41. Chevereto
  42. Zenphoto
  43. GPixPixel
  44. Pluck CMS
  45. Sitemagic CMS
  46. Typesetter
  47. Neos CMS
  48. ButterCMS


.NET CMS List:

  1. Umbraco
  2. Kentico CMS
  3. DNN (formerly DotNetNuke)
  4. Orchard Core
  5. Sitefinity
  6. N2 CMS
  7. MojoPortal
  8. Better CMS
  9. nopCommerce
  10. Oqtane
  11. Piranha
  12. dotCMS
  13. Raytha

Please note that this list is based on popularity and preference and may vary depending on different sources and criteria used for evaluation.

3. How to compare CMS platforms

For businesses searching for the right CMS platform, conducting a thorough comparison of options is crucial. With the myriad of comparison websites available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the choices. However, focusing on the specific features each platform offers, such as mobile responsiveness and content editing capabilities, can help narrow down the options. It’s also important to consider the level of support each platform provides, such as customer service and technical assistance. And while cost of ownership is always a factor, it’s important to weigh the overall value of the platform against its price tag. By taking the time to compare CMS platforms in-depth and considering these factors, businesses can confidently choose the platform that best suits their needs.

There are several websites that can help you compare content management platforms based on various factors. Here are a few popular ones:

  1. G2: provides user reviews, ratings, and comparisons for various software, including content management systems. You can explore features, pricing, user feedback, and other relevant information to make an informed decision. Visit their website at:https://www.g2.com/categories/cms-tools
  2. Capterra: Capterra is a software review and comparison platform that offers detailed information about content management systems. You can filter and compare CMS options based on features, user ratings, pricing, and more. Check out their CMS category here: https://www.capterra.com/content-management-software/
  3. TrustRadius: TrustRadius is a community-driven review platform where users can share their experiences and opinions about various software products. It provides detailed reviews and ratings for content management systems, helping you make comparisons based on user insights. Explore their CMS category here: https://www.trustradius.com/cms
  4. CMS Critic: CMS Critic is a website that focuses on content management systems and provides news, reviews, and comparisons. They offer insights into various CMS platforms and can help you understand the pros and cons of different options. Visit their website at: https://www.cmscritic.com/
  5. TechRadar: TechRadar is a technology news and reviews website that offers comparisons and buying guides for various software, including content management systems. They provide detailed information about features, usability, and performance to help you make an informed decision. Check out their CMS section here: https://www.techradar.com/best/cms
  6. BuiltWith: offers comprehensive data and statistics on CMS usage and trends, particularly useful for understanding the market share and technological footprint of various content management systems. It’s a valuable resource for those looking to get a broader view of the CMS landscape. Visit their website at: https://trends.builtwith.com/cms

Remember to consider multiple sources and gather as much information as possible before making a decision. It’s also recommended to try out demos or free trials of CMS platforms to get hands-on experience and see which one aligns best with your requirements.

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4. Looking at advantages and disadvantages of PHP versus .NET

When it comes to developing web applications, choosing the right programming language is crucial. Two of the most popular options are PHP and .NET. While PHP is known for its simplicity and ease of use, .NET is reputed for its long-term support and robust features. One of the advantages of PHP is its short learning curve, making it an excellent choice for beginners. However, .NET provides a more comprehensive suite of development tools and allows for greater scalability, making it more suitable for enterprise-level applications. Another factor to consider is the strength of the developer community for each language. PHP has a wide and diverse pool of developers, while .NET’s community is highly skilled and focused. Ultimately, the decision between PHP and .NET should be based on the specific needs of the project and the experience and expertise of the development team.

Advantages of PHP-based CMS:

  1. Widespread Usage: PHP is one of the most widely used programming languages for web development. As a result, there is a vast ecosystem of PHP-based CMS platforms, plugins, and themes available, providing a wide range of options and community support.
  2. Open Source and Cost-effective: Many PHP-based CMS platforms, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, are open source and free to use. This can significantly reduce upfront costs compared to proprietary CMS solutions.
  3. Flexibility and Customization: PHP-based CMS platforms often offer extensive customization options, allowing developers to tailor the CMS to their specific needs. The availability of themes and plugins also provides flexibility in design and functionality.
  4. Large Community and Support: PHP has a large and active developer community, which means there is abundant documentation, tutorials, forums, and resources available. It’s generally easier to find support and seek assistance when working with PHP-based CMS platforms.

Disadvantages of PHP-based CMS:

  1. Security Concerns: Being open source and widely used, PHP-based CMS platforms can be targeted by hackers. However, security vulnerabilities can be mitigated by following best practices, keeping the CMS and its plugins/themes up to date, and using security plugins.
  2. Performance and Scalability: PHP-based CMS platforms can face performance challenges when handling high traffic or complex applications. However, performance can be optimized through various techniques such as caching, server optimization, and efficient coding practices.

Advantages of .NET-based CMS:

  1. Integration with Microsoft Ecosystem: .NET is a framework developed by Microsoft, and .NET-based CMS platforms, such as Umbraco and Sitecore, seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft technologies, such as Azure cloud services, SQL Server, and Active Directory. This can be beneficial if you are already using Microsoft technologies.
  2. Robust and Scalable: .NET provides a solid framework for building large-scale applications. .NET-based CMS platforms are known for their robustness, scalability, and performance, making them suitable for enterprise-level solutions.
  3. Microsoft Support and Tools: Microsoft provides extensive support, documentation, and development tools for .NET-based CMS platforms. Visual Studio, the primary IDE for .NET development, offers powerful features for code debugging, testing, and deployment.

Disadvantages of .NET-based CMS:

  1. Licensing Costs: Unlike many PHP-based CMS platforms, some .NET-based CMS solutions have licensing costs associated with them. The cost can be a significant factor, especially for small businesses or projects with budget constraints.
  2. Learning Curve: Developing with .NET requires a learning curve, especially for developers who are not familiar with the Microsoft ecosystem or C#. It may take more time and effort to become proficient in .NET development compared to PHP.
  3. Smaller Community: The community size and availability of themes, plugins, and resources for .NET-based CMS platforms may be smaller compared to PHP-based CMS platforms. However, there is still an active community and support available for popular .NET CMS platforms.

Ultimately, the choice between PHP-based CMS and .NET-based CMS depends on factors such as your specific project requirements, budget, existing infrastructure, and development expertise.

5. Examining open-source CMS platforms

Open-source CMS platforms have risen in popularity due to their no-licence policy and low cost. These platforms have proved their worth, as they are currently used by a lot of popular websites. However, as with anything that gains massive popularity, it’s important to keep in mind that popularity has its cost. Examining open-source CMS platforms in-depth is therefore necessary to determine which one best suits your specific needs. By taking a closer look at the capabilities, reliability, and security features of these platforms, website owners can select the best option for their goals – whether it be creating a personal blog, or running a large-scale e-commerce website.

Open-source CMS platforms offer several advantages that contribute to their popularity and widespread usage. Here are some key advantages of open-source CMS platforms:

  1. Cost-effectiveness: Open-source CMS platforms are typically free to use, which means there are no licensing fees or upfront costs associated with acquiring the software. This makes them an attractive option, especially for small businesses, start-ups, or projects with limited budgets.
  2. Customization and Flexibility: Open-source CMS platforms provide greater flexibility and customization options compared to proprietary solutions. Developers have access to the source code, allowing them to modify and tailor the CMS to their specific needs. This enables businesses to create unique and personalized websites or applications.
  3. Community-driven Development: Open-source CMS platforms benefit from a large and active community of developers, contributors, and users. This community collaborates to improve the software, fix bugs, and add new features. As a result, open-source CMS platforms tend to have a rapid pace of development and benefit from ongoing improvements and updates.
  4. Large Ecosystem of Extensions and Plugins: Open-source CMS platforms often have a vast ecosystem of extensions, plugins, themes, and templates developed by the community. These resources extend the functionality and design options of the CMS, allowing users to add features, integrate with third-party services, or create unique website layouts.
  5. Transparency and Security: With open-source CMS platforms, the source code is openly available for scrutiny by the community. This transparency helps identify and address security vulnerabilities more effectively. The widespread usage and active community involvement also mean that security issues are often quickly identified and patched.
  6. Vendor Independence: Open-source CMS platforms provide vendor independence, as users are not tied to a single company or vendor for support, upgrades, or maintenance. Users have the freedom to choose their own hosting providers, developers, or support services, reducing the risk of vendor lock-in.
  7. Community Support and Documentation: Open-source CMS platforms often have a vibrant community that provides support through forums, documentation, tutorials, and user groups. Users can seek help, ask questions, or share knowledge within the community, which can be valuable when troubleshooting issues or seeking guidance.

It’s important to note that while open-source CMS platforms offer many advantages, they may also have some challenges such as the need for technical expertise, potential compatibility issues with third-party plugins, and the responsibility of keeping the software up to date. However, overall, open-source CMS platforms provide great flexibility, cost savings, and an active community-driven environment for website development and management.

Learn More About PHP vs .NET CMS Platforms

6. Paid commercial licence platforms

If you’re considering utilizing a paid commercial license platform for your business needs, it’s important to weigh the benefits against the costs. While an annual license may give you access to premium features and support that you wouldn’t get with a free platform, you’ll also be investing in limited developer community and a larger cost of ownership. In many cases, the quality and reliability of the platform may be worth the expense, particularly if you have specific needs that a free platform cannot meet. Ultimately, your decision to invest in a paid commercial license platform should depend on your business goals and budget.

Paid or commercial license CMS platforms, also known as proprietary CMS platforms, have their own set of advantages compared to open-source CMS platforms. Here are some key advantages of paid/commercial license CMS platforms:

  1. Professional Support and Maintenance: Commercial CMS platforms typically offer dedicated customer support, professional assistance, and regular updates. Users can rely on the vendor’s support team to address technical issues, provide guidance, and ensure the smooth functioning of their CMS. This can be crucial for businesses that require prompt and reliable support.
  2. Advanced Features and Functionality: Paid CMS platforms often come with a wider range of advanced features and functionality out of the box. They may offer sophisticated content management capabilities, enhanced security features, seamless integration with other systems, and more extensive customization options. These features can be particularly beneficial for complex enterprise-level projects.
  3. User-friendly Interface and User Experience: Commercial CMS platforms often invest in creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. They aim to simplify the content management process and provide a smooth user experience for both content editors and administrators. This can save time, reduce training needs, and improve overall productivity.
  4. Comprehensive Documentation and Training Resources: Paid CMS platforms typically offer detailed documentation, tutorials, and training resources to help users understand the system’s features and make the most of the platform. This can be particularly valuable for organizations with non-technical staff or those seeking a structured learning path.
  5. Enterprise-level Security and Compliance: Commercial CMS platforms often prioritize security and compliance standards. They may provide robust security features, regular security updates, and adherence to industry-specific regulations. This can be vital for organizations dealing with sensitive data or operating in highly regulated industries.
  6. Integration and Scalability: Commercial CMS platforms often have well-documented APIs and integration capabilities. They may offer pre-built integrations with popular third-party systems, such as CRM, marketing automation, or e-commerce platforms. Additionally, they are typically designed to handle scalability and can accommodate the growing needs of larger websites or applications.
  7. Warranty and Liability Coverage: Some commercial CMS platforms provide warranty and liability coverage, offering additional peace of mind to organizations. This can be particularly valuable for mission-critical projects where reliability and accountability are crucial.

It’s important to note that paid/commercial license CMS platforms come with associated costs, which can include upfront license fees, ongoing maintenance fees, and potential additional charges for premium support or extra features. Additionally, some organizations prefer open-source CMS platforms for their flexibility, customisation options, and vibrant community. Ultimately, the choice between open-source and paid/commercial CMS platforms depends on the specific needs, budget, and preferences of the organisation or project.

7. How to evaluate CMS based on licence

When it comes to choosing a content management system (CMS), the licence is an important factor to consider. There are two main types of licences to choose from: paid and open-source. Paid licences generally provide more features and support, but can add to the long term cost of using a CMS. On the other hand, open-source licences are free to use and provide access to a community of developers who can help with any issues that arise. To evaluate a CMS based on its licence, it’s important to consider your specific needs and budget. If you have a larger budget and require more support, a paid licence may be the better choice. However, if you are on a tighter budget and don’t mind relying on community support, an open-source licence could be the way to go. It’s also important to consider the long-term cost implications of each licence type. By taking the time to evaluate CMS options based on their licence, you can ensure you make the best choice for your business needs.

When evaluating a CMS based on its license, there are a few factors to consider. Here’s a guide on how to evaluate CMS based on their license:

  1. Determine Your Requirements: Start by identifying your specific requirements for the CMS. Consider factors such as the size and complexity of your website, the need for customization and scalability, required integrations with other systems, and your budget constraints. This will help you narrow down the options that best suit your needs.
  2. Understand License Types: Familiarize yourself with different types of licenses commonly used for CMS platforms. The two primary license types are open-source and proprietary/commercial licenses.
  • Open-Source License: Open-source licenses, such as GPL (General Public License), allow you to access and modify the source code freely. These licenses often come with fewer restrictions and provide more flexibility for customization, community support, and cost savings.
  • Proprietary/Commercial License: Proprietary or commercial licenses require you to purchase a license from the CMS vendor. These licenses typically come with more comprehensive support, additional features, and professional services. However, they may limit access to the source code and have associated licensing costs.
  1. Consider Cost and Budget: Evaluate the financial implications of each license type. Determine if your budget allows for the purchase of a proprietary license or if you prefer the cost savings associated with open-source options. Consider factors such as upfront license fees, ongoing maintenance costs, and any additional charges for support or premium features.
  2. Assess Support and Maintenance: Determine the level of support and maintenance you require for your CMS. Proprietary CMS platforms often provide dedicated customer support, regular updates, and professional assistance. Open-source platforms may rely on community support or offer premium support options. Consider your organization’s technical expertise and the level of support you need for smooth operations.
  3. Review Security and Updates: Examine the security measures and update frequency associated with each CMS license. Proprietary CMS platforms may provide regular security patches and updates, offering peace of mind in terms of data protection. Open-source platforms also benefit from community-driven security efforts, but it’s important to ensure the CMS has a reliable track record of security updates and a strong development community.
  4. Consider Vendor Lock-In: Evaluate the degree of vendor lock-in associated with each license type. Proprietary CMS platforms may tie you to a specific vendor for support, upgrades, and maintenance, while open-source platforms offer more vendor independence. Assess the long-term implications of potential vendor dependencies and the flexibility you require for future growth.
  5. Research User Experiences: Look for user reviews, case studies, and testimonials related to the CMS platforms you’re evaluating. This will provide insights into the experiences of other users with similar requirements and help you gauge the suitability of each CMS for your specific needs.

By considering these factors and evaluating CMS platforms based on their license, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your budget, technical requirements, and long-term goals.

8. Evaluating CMS based on popularity and support

When it comes to selecting a content management system (CMS), popularity and support are crucial factors to consider. A CMS that has a large developer community can benefit you greatly in the long run. Why? A large developer community means a lot of people vouch for the CMS, which translates into more support and faster issue resolution. Furthermore, open source CMS software like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla are constructed to be highly scalable. This means that the more a CMS is in use and maintained over time, the bigger and more reliable the overall developer community becomes. Therefore, evaluating CMS options based on their popularity and support can ensure a smooth and stable digital presence.

When evaluating a CMS based on popularity and support, there are several aspects to consider:

  1. Popularity Metrics: Assess the popularity and adoption of the CMS by looking at metrics such as the number of downloads, active installations, market share, and overall user base. Easiest way to gage CMS popularity on real world data is to look at Google Trends, see example comparison of WordPress,Drupal,Joomla,Wix and Umbraco. A widely used CMS indicates that it is trusted by a large community of users.
  2. Community Engagement: Evaluate the strength and activity of the CMS’s community. A vibrant community signifies an active and supportive ecosystem. Look for active forums, user groups, and online communities where users can seek help, share knowledge, and provide assistance to one another.
  3. Documentation and Resources: Consider the availability and quality of documentation, tutorials, guides, and other learning resources provided by the CMS. Comprehensive and up-to-date documentation is essential for users to understand and make the most of the CMS’s features.
  4. Third-Party Plugins and Themes: Investigate the availability of a diverse range of third-party plugins and themes for the CMS. A large ecosystem of plugins and themes indicates a thriving community and provides flexibility for expanding the functionality and design options of the CMS.
  5. Vendor Support: If the CMS is commercially licensed, assess the level of support provided by the vendor. Look for options such as dedicated support channels, response time, and the vendor’s reputation for providing timely and helpful assistance to customers.
  6. Release Cycle and Updates: Evaluate the CMS’s release cycle and update frequency. Regular updates demonstrate an active development team that addresses bug fixes, security vulnerabilities, and introduces new features. A CMS that receives frequent updates is more likely to remain secure and compatible with evolving technologies.
  7. User Feedback and Reviews: Seek out user feedback and reviews from individuals or organisations who have used the CMS. Consider testimonials, case studies, or reviews on independent platforms to gain insights into the CMS’s strengths, weaknesses, user satisfaction, and overall experience.
  8. Long-Term Viability: Assess the long-term viability of the CMS by considering factors such as the track record of the CMS, the reputation and stability of the organisation behind it, and the commitment to ongoing development and support. Ensure that the CMS aligns with your organisation’s long-term goals and can adapt to future needs.

By evaluating a CMS based on its popularity and support, you can gauge its user base, community engagement, available resources, and the level of support you can expect. This information will help you make an informed decision about selecting a CMS that best fits your organisation’s requirements.

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9. Evaluating CMS based on security and maintenance

As the importance of content management systems (CMS) increases, so does the need for evaluating them based on security and maintenance. Popular CMS platforms can be especially vulnerable to security threats due to their wide usage, making it crucial to prioritize ongoing maintenance and regular security scans. Neglecting these tasks can lead to dire consequences, including website hacking and loss of sensitive data. Therefore, it is essential to carefully assess CMS options and choose a platform that prioritizes security and maintenance capabilities. By doing so, businesses can protect themselves from potential security breaches and avoid costly data loss or downtime.

When evaluating a CMS based on security and maintenance, consider the following factors:

  1. Security Track Record: Research the CMS’s security track record by reviewing past vulnerabilities, incidents, and how quickly and effectively the development team addressed them. Look for information about their response time to security patches and updates.
  2. Security Features: Assess the built-in security features offered by the CMS. Look for features such as user roles and permissions, secure authentication methods, protection against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, cross-site scripting), and measures for data encryption and protection.
  3. Regular Updates: Determine how frequently the CMS releases updates and security patches. Regular updates are crucial for addressing newly discovered vulnerabilities and ensuring that your CMS remains secure over time. Check if there is a clear update policy and a track record of timely security releases.
  4. Community Engagement: Evaluate the level of community engagement regarding security. An active community indicates a collective effort to identify and address security issues. Look for security-focused forums, bug bounty programmes, or dedicated security teams involved in the CMS’s development and maintenance.
  5. Third-Party Plugins and Themes: Consider the security aspects of third-party plugins and themes available for the CMS. Determine if there are security measures in place to ensure that these extensions undergo proper review, follow best practices, and receive updates for any identified vulnerabilities.
  6. Secure Development Practices: Assess if the CMS follows secure development practices, such as regular security audits, code reviews, and adherence to industry security standards. Look for evidence of a security-focused development process that includes vulnerability testing, secure coding practices, and secure configuration defaults.
  7. Support and Maintenance: Evaluate the availability of support and maintenance services for the CMS. Determine if there are dedicated resources or professional services to assist with security-related issues, such as security audits, code reviews, and guidance on secure deployment and configuration.
  8. Security Documentation and Resources: Look for comprehensive security documentation and resources provided by the CMS. This should include guidelines, best practices, and recommendations for securing the CMS and protecting your website or application from potential security threats.
  9. Vulnerability Response and Disclosure: Research the CMS’s process for handling security vulnerabilities. Evaluate their approach to vulnerability reporting, response time, and how they communicate security issues to users. Look for transparency and a commitment to timely resolutions.

By evaluating a CMS based on its security and maintenance practices, you can assess the level of protection it offers for your website or application. Prioritising security is crucial to safeguarding your data, protecting against potential threats, and maintaining a secure online presence.

10. Pros and Cons of Hosted vs SaaS

In today’s digital era, having a website is essential for businesses of all sizes. When it comes to choosing a platform, businesses often face the dilemma of choosing between Hosted and SaaS. Both have their pros and cons. Hosted platforms, such as Wix, Squarespace, and GoDaddy, offer easy setup, customization, and maintenance, making them ideal for smaller businesses with limited technical knowledge. On the other hand, SaaS platforms, such as WordPress, Drupal, and Umbraco, provide greater flexibility, scalability, and control. However, they require technical expertise and may involve higher upfront costs. Ultimately, the choice between Hosted and SaaS depends on your business needs and goals. Consider your technical expertise, budget, scalability, and customization requirements before making a decision. With the right platform, you can create a powerful online presence that drives growth and success for your business.

Hosted CMS:


  1. Customisation: Hosted CMS platforms often offer greater flexibility for customisation compared to SaaS solutions. You have more control over the design, functionality, and infrastructure of your CMS.
  2. Data Ownership: With a hosted CMS, you have full ownership and control of your website’s data. You can choose where and how your data is stored, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and maintaining full control over sensitive information.
  3. Scalability: Hosted CMS platforms typically provide more scalability options, allowing you to handle increased website traffic and content growth without limitations imposed by a SaaS provider.
  4. Integration Flexibility: Hosted CMS platforms often offer more extensive integration capabilities, allowing you to connect with external systems, databases, or APIs to create customised workflows and enhance the functionality of your website.


  1. Technical Expertise: Hosted CMS platforms require technical knowledge and expertise to set up, configure, and maintain. You may need to manage servers, security measures, backups, and updates yourself or hire technical staff for assistance.
  2. Higher Initial Costs: Hosted CMS platforms often involve upfront costs for infrastructure, hosting, and potentially licensing fees. Additionally, ongoing costs for server maintenance and upgrades can add up over time.
  3. Time and Effort: Setting up and maintaining a hosted CMS can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. You are responsible for managing server infrastructure, security measures, and technical aspects of the CMS, which requires dedicated time and effort.



  1. Ease of Use: SaaS CMS platforms are typically user-friendly and require minimal technical knowledge. They often provide intuitive interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built templates, making it easier for non-technical users to manage content and design.
  2. Lower Upfront Costs: SaaS CMS platforms generally have lower upfront costs as they are offered on a subscription basis. You pay a recurring fee based on usage or features, reducing initial financial investment.
  3. Automatic Updates and Maintenance: SaaS CMS platforms handle updates, maintenance, and security patches automatically. This eliminates the need for manual updates and ensures that your CMS is up-to-date with the latest features and security measures.
  4. Scalability and Performance: SaaS CMS platforms are designed to handle scalability and high-performance requirements. They often utilise cloud infrastructure and provide automatic scaling capabilities, allowing your website to handle increased traffic without infrastructure management on your part.


  1. Limited Customisation: SaaS CMS platforms may have limitations on customisation compared to hosted solutions. You may be restricted to predefined templates, themes, and functionality, which can limit the flexibility to tailor the CMS to your specific needs.
  2. Data Security and Ownership: With a SaaS CMS, your data is stored on the provider’s servers, which raises concerns about data security and ownership. It’s essential to ensure that the provider has robust security measures in place and clear data ownership policies.
  3. Dependency on Provider: SaaS CMS platforms rely on the service provider for availability, support, and updates. If the provider experiences downtime or goes out of business, it can disrupt your website operations and access to your CMS.

When choosing between a hosted CMS and a SaaS CMS, consider factors such as your technical expertise, customisation requirements, budget, data ownership preferences, and long-term scalability needs.

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11. How to choose the right CMS for your project

Selecting the most appropriate CMS for your project is a crucial decision that can determine the success or failure of your website. To make the right choice, you need to evaluate your needs carefully. Take the time to identify what features and functionalities are necessary for your project, and compare them with what each CMS has to offer. Make data-driven decisions based on the needs of your business, rather than decorating your website with all the fancy bells and whistles. With the abundance of options to choose from, selecting the best CMS may seem daunting, but with proper research, it’s pretty easy to filter out irrelevant choices and narrow your options down to a few contenders. Ultimately, the success of your website depends on the CMS you choose, so choose wisely.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Define Your Project Requirements: Clearly identify your project’s goals, objectives, and specific requirements. Consider factors such as the size and complexity of your website or application, the type of content you’ll be managing, desired functionality (e.g., e-commerce, blogging, multimedia support), and any specific integration needs with other systems.
  2. Assess Ease of Use: Evaluate the CMS’s user interface and administration capabilities. Consider whether the CMS is intuitive and user-friendly for content editors and administrators who will be managing the system on a day-to-day basis. Look for features like drag-and-drop editing, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing, and a streamlined content creation process.
  3. Scalability and Performance: Consider the scalability and performance requirements of your project. Assess whether the CMS can handle the anticipated growth of your website or application, including increased traffic, content volume, and user interactions. Look for features like caching, load balancing, and support for cloud-based hosting solutions.
  4. Customization and Flexibility: Evaluate the CMS’s level of customizability and flexibility. Determine if it provides the necessary tools and capabilities to tailor the design, layout, and functionality to your specific project requirements. Look for support for custom themes, plugins, and extensions that can enhance the CMS’s capabilities.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Assess the CMS’s integration capabilities with other systems or third-party services that are essential for your project. Determine if the CMS offers native integrations or APIs to connect with external tools or services such as CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, e-commerce solutions, or social media platforms.
  6. Community and Support: Research the CMS’s community and support resources. Look for an active user community, forums, and developer resources that can provide assistance, share knowledge, and offer support when needed. Consider the availability of documentation, tutorials, and official support channels provided by the CMS’s developers.
  7. Security and Maintenance: Evaluate the CMS’s security features and track record. Look for built-in security measures such as user authentication, role-based access control, and data encryption. Consider the CMS’s history of security vulnerabilities and how quickly security patches are released. Assess the availability of regular updates and ongoing maintenance support.
  8. Budget and Total Cost of Ownership: Consider your budget and the total cost of ownership (TCO) for the CMS. Evaluate not only the initial licensing or subscription costs but also any additional expenses for hosting, customization, maintenance, support, and potential future scalability requirements. Compare the costs with the value and features offered by the CMS.
  9. Test and Evaluate: Whenever possible, take advantage of demos, trials, or sandbox environments to test the CMS. This will allow you to get hands-on experience and evaluate how well it aligns with your project requirements, usability, and overall user experience.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the CMS that best matches your project requirements, aligns with your budget, and provides the necessary tools and support for your website or application.

12. Best CMS’s for web developers

As a web developer, choosing the right CMS is crucial to ensuring efficient and effective website development. While there are many CMS options out there, some stand out for their popularity and ease of use. Some of the most suitable CMS options for web developers include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Each of these CMS options has a different learning curve, but all offer a range of popular frameworks to choose from. WordPress, for example, is the most popular CMS and offers a wide range of plugins and themes to customize your website. Joomla offers a powerful content management system that is easy to use and has a range of built-in features, while Drupal is known for its flexibility and ability to handle complex sites. Overall, choosing the right CMS comes down to understanding your needs as a developer and what features are most important for your website project.

Several factors influence which CMS is best for web developers. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Programming Language and Framework: The CMS should align with the programming language and framework preferred by the web developer. For example, if a developer is proficient in PHP, they might prefer a PHP-based CMS like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. Similarly, a developer experienced in .NET might prefer a CMS like Umbraco or Sitecore.
  2. Development Flexibility: Consider the level of development flexibility offered by the CMS. Some CMS platforms provide extensive customization options, allowing developers to create unique themes, templates, and plugins. Developers might prefer a CMS that provides access to the source code, allowing for more advanced customizations and tailor-made solutions.
  3. Development Community and Resources: Evaluate the size and activity of the CMS’s development community. A vibrant community provides valuable resources, such as documentation, tutorials, code samples, and forums, which can help developers troubleshoot issues, learn new techniques, and seek guidance. A large and active community also indicates ongoing development and support for the CMS.
  4. Developer-Friendly Features: Assess the CMS’s features that specifically cater to developers. Look for features such as a well-documented API, developer tools and SDKs, support for version control systems, and integration with popular development environments (IDEs) or frameworks. These features can streamline the development process and enhance productivity for web developers.
  5. Extensibility and Integration: Consider the CMS’s extensibility and integration capabilities. Developers often require seamless integration with third-party systems, such as CRM, e-commerce platforms, or marketing automation tools. Look for a CMS that offers a robust plugin or module system, API support, and a wide range of pre-built integrations.
  6. Security and Stability: Assess the CMS’s security measures and track record. Web developers need a CMS that prioritizes security, offers protection against common vulnerabilities, and provides regular security updates. Look for CMS platforms that follow secure coding practices, undergo security audits, and have a strong commitment to maintaining a secure environment.
  7. Performance and Scalability: Consider the CMS’s performance and scalability features. A CMS should be able to handle high traffic, large amounts of content, and complex applications without sacrificing performance. Look for features like caching mechanisms, database optimization, and support for horizontal scalability to ensure the CMS meets the scalability needs of the project.
  8. Developer Support and Collaboration: Evaluate the availability of developer support and collaboration options. Look for official support channels, developer communities, and collaboration tools that allow developers to engage with the CMS’s development team and other community members. This fosters knowledge sharing, troubleshooting assistance, and potential contributions to the CMS’s development.

By considering these factors, web developers can identify a CMS that aligns with their preferred programming language, provides flexibility, offers a supportive development community, and caters to their specific development needs.

Learn More About Choosing the Right CMS

13. Best CMS’s for content publishers

In today’s digital age, having a reliable CMS is essential for content publishers. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. However, some CMS’s stand out above the rest due to their publishing speed, frequent release of new features, and availability of popular plugins. These CMS’s not only deliver an excellent user experience but also offer enhanced functionalities essential for managing content. Publishers can easily create, publish, and manage content with the right CMS in place. While each CMS has its unique strengths, it’s worth noting which ones best suit the publisher’s specific requirements.

When it comes to content publishers, several CMS platforms are highly regarded for their capabilities in managing and publishing content effectively. Here are some of the best CMS options for content publishers:

  1. WordPress: WordPress is one of the most popular CMS platforms globally, renowned for its user-friendly interface and extensive range of themes and plugins. It offers powerful content management features, including easy-to-use editors, media management, and a robust publishing workflow.
  2. Drupal: Drupal is a versatile CMS known for its scalability and flexibility. It provides advanced content management features, such as granular user permissions, multilingual capabilities, and customizable publishing workflows. Drupal is often preferred for large and complex content publishing projects.
  3. Joomla: Joomla is another popular CMS that offers a balance between ease of use and advanced content management capabilities. It provides a wide range of extensions and templates to enhance content publishing and offers features like version control, media management, and multilingual support.
  4. HubSpot CMS: HubSpot CMS is a comprehensive CMS platform designed specifically for inbound marketing and content management. It offers robust content creation tools, SEO optimization features, and integration with marketing automation tools, making it an excellent choice for content publishers focused on inbound marketing strategies.
  5. Ghost: Ghost is a lightweight and user-friendly CMS built specifically for content publishers, with a focus on blogging and publishing. It offers a distraction-free writing environment, seamless content management, and native SEO features. Ghost is ideal for individuals and small to medium-sized publishers.
  6. Contentful: Contentful is a headless CMS that provides a flexible and API-driven approach to content management. It allows content publishers to create and manage content across various channels and devices easily. Contentful’s modular architecture makes it suitable for content publishers with complex content distribution needs.
  7. TYPO3: TYPO3 is a feature-rich open-source CMS that offers advanced content management capabilities. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for content publishing, including versioning, multisite management, and multisite editing. TYPO3 is often favored for enterprise-level content publishing projects.
  8. ExpressionEngine: ExpressionEngine is a flexible and customizable CMS with a focus on content management and publishing. It offers robust content organization, version control, and fine-grained access control. ExpressionEngine is suitable for publishers with specific content management requirements.

When selecting a CMS for content publishing, consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, flexibility, content management features, and integration capabilities. It’s essential to align the CMS’s capabilities with your specific content publishing goals and requirements.

14. Best CMS’s for Enterprise

When it comes to managing complex business operations, having a reliable content management system (CMS) in place is crucial. With scalability being a primary consideration, enterprise-level organizations require a CMS that can handle large volumes of content and users seamlessly. However, scalability isn’t the only factor to consider. Compliance with industry regulations, auditing capabilities, and security are equally important. So, which CMS’s are the best fit for businesses requiring all of these features? Look no further than established names like Drupal, WordPress, and SiteCore. These CMS’s not only offer superior scalability but also boast robust features for compliance, auditing, and security. By choosing one of these solutions, enterprises can rest assured that they have a CMS that can grow alongside their business, protect their data, and meet the demands of their industry.

Several factors influence the suitability of a CMS (Content Management System) for enterprise-level use. Here are key factors to consider:

  1. Scalability and Performance: Enterprise-level organizations typically deal with large amounts of content, high traffic, and complex workflows. A suitable CMS should be capable of handling the scale and performance requirements of the enterprise. Look for features like caching mechanisms, load balancing, and support for distributed architectures to ensure smooth operations even under heavy usage.
  2. Customization and Flexibility: Enterprises often have unique requirements and complex content management workflows. A CMS that offers extensive customization options and flexibility is essential. Look for features like customizable templates, modular architecture, and robust API support to tailor the CMS to meet specific enterprise needs.
  3. Security and Compliance: Enterprises deal with sensitive data and are subject to regulatory requirements. A suitable CMS must prioritize security and provide robust measures for data protection. Look for features like user access controls, data encryption, audit logs, and compliance with relevant standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) to ensure the CMS meets enterprise security and compliance requirements.
  4. Integration Capabilities: Enterprises typically have a wide array of systems and tools in their technology stack. A suitable CMS should offer strong integration capabilities to seamlessly connect with other enterprise systems such as CRM, ERP, marketing automation, or e-commerce platforms. Look for support for APIs, web services, and pre-built integrations to ensure smooth data exchange and workflow automation.
  5. Multi-site and Multilingual Support: Enterprises with multiple brands, regions, or subsidiaries may require a CMS that supports multi-site management and multilingual content. Look for features like multi-site administration, content sharing across sites, and robust multilingual capabilities to streamline content management and ensure consistency across different properties.
  6. Workflow and Collaboration: Enterprises often have complex content creation and publishing workflows involving multiple stakeholders. A suitable CMS should offer robust workflow and collaboration features, including content approval processes, role-based permissions, content versioning, and collaboration tools. This facilitates efficient content management and streamlines collaboration among teams.
  7. Enterprise-grade Support and Services: Enterprises require reliable support and services for their CMS implementation. Look for CMS vendors that offer enterprise-grade support, including dedicated support channels, SLAs, and professional services. This ensures prompt assistance and mitigates potential downtime or critical issues.
  8. Vendor Reputation and Long-term Viability: Consider the reputation and track record of the CMS vendor. Evaluate their experience in serving enterprise customers, their commitment to ongoing development, and their financial stability. Ensuring the vendor has a proven track record and a long-term vision is crucial to avoid potential risks associated with vendor lock-in or discontinuation of support.

By considering these factors, enterprises can select a CMS that aligns with their scalability requirements, customization needs, security and compliance standards, integration capabilities, workflow management, and long-term support expectations.

15. Best CMS’s for integration

When it comes to integrating a CMS with other platforms, it’s crucial to select the right one to ensure seamless collaboration between systems. Enter the world of headless CMS’s – a game-changing alternative to traditional CMS’s. Not only is headless CMS’s platform-agnostic, meaning they can easily integrate with various platforms, but they also provide the flexibility to tailor content to specific contexts. Third-party vendors also often support headless CMS integrations, providing an even broader range of possibilities for third-party app development. To maximize your business’s integration capabilities, it’s well worth considering headless CMS’s.

Here are key factors to consider when evaluating the integration capabilities of a CMS:

  1. Flexible APIs: Look for a CMS that offers flexible and well-documented APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). APIs enable seamless communication between the CMS and other systems or services. A CMS with comprehensive and versatile APIs allows for smooth data exchange, content synchronization, and integration with external applications.
  2. Extensibility and Customization: Assess the CMS’s extensibility and customization options. A CMS that supports custom development and allows for the creation of custom modules, plugins, or extensions simplifies the integration process. This enables developers to tailor the CMS to specific integration requirements and connect it with external systems effectively.
  3. Pre-built Integrations: Check if the CMS provides pre-built integrations with popular third-party systems or services. Pre-built integrations can streamline the integration process, saving time and effort. Look for CMS platforms that offer ready-to-use integrations for CRM systems, marketing automation tools, e-commerce platforms, payment gateways, and other commonly used enterprise applications.
  4. Compatibility with Industry Standards: Consider if the CMS adheres to industry standards and protocols for integration. Compatibility with standards such as RESTful APIs, SOAP, GraphQL, OAuth, or Webhooks can simplify integration efforts and ensure interoperability with other systems.
  5. Data Exchange Formats: Evaluate the CMS’s support for common data exchange formats. Compatibility with formats like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), XML (Extensible Markup Language), or CSV (Comma-Separated Values) facilitates seamless data transfer and synchronization with external systems.
  6. Event-driven Architecture: Look for a CMS with an event-driven architecture that allows for real-time or near real-time notifications and triggers. This facilitates immediate updates and actions in integrated systems when relevant events occur within the CMS, enabling dynamic and synchronized workflows.
  7. Workflow Automation: Assess if the CMS provides workflow automation capabilities. Workflow automation allows for the creation of automated processes and actions triggered by specific events, such as content publication, user interactions, or data updates. This can help streamline integrations and ensure smooth data flows between systems.
  8. Developer Resources and Support: Consider the availability of developer resources, documentation, and support provided by the CMS. Access to comprehensive documentation, code examples, tutorials, and developer forums can assist in the integration process. Additionally, prompt and knowledgeable support from the CMS vendor can address any integration-related challenges that may arise.

By considering these factors, you can select a CMS that offers robust integration capabilities, facilitating seamless data exchange, process automation, and synchronization with other systems. Effective integration enhances the overall functionality, efficiency, and value of your CMS within your broader technology ecosystem.

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16. Top 5 CMS systems

In today’s tech-savvy world, businesses require intuitive and easy-to-use Content Management Systems (CMS) to ensure seamless website updates that engage customers. Reports and dashboards are inherent components of CMS systems. When it comes to managing websites, the availability of real-time data and monthly summaries is instrumental in keeping track of visitor behavior and marketing campaign effectiveness. Budgeting is another critical feature of CMS that enables organizations to control costs. In this context, we present the top five CMS systems that possess all these essential attributes, such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, and Shopify. By choosing the right CMS, businesses can harness its capabilities to their benefit.

Based on popularity, the top 5 are:

  1. WordPress: WordPress has been a dominant force in the CMS market for several years. The popularity of this software is due to its user-friendly interface, wide selection of plugins, and strong community support.
  2. Shopify: While primarily known as an e-commerce platform, Shopify also offers a powerful CMS for managing online stores. Its ease of use, built-in e-commerce features, and scalability have made it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.
  3. Wix: Wix is a cloud-based website builder that has gained significant traction in recent years. It offers a user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop website design, and a range of pre-built templates. Wix has attracted a large user base, particularly among small businesses and individuals.
  4. Joomla: Joomla is an open-source CMS known for its flexibility and extensibility. It has a dedicated community of developers and users, and it powers a variety of websites, including corporate portals, community sites, and e-commerce platforms.
  5. Drupal: Drupal is a robust and scalable CMS that caters to more complex and enterprise-level projects. It offers advanced content management capabilities, multisite management, and a strong security focus. Drupal is often chosen for large-scale websites and applications.

Please note that the popularity and rankings of CMS platforms can fluctuate over time based on market dynamics, evolving trends, and user preferences.

17. CMS Evaluation Matrix

When considering which content management system (CMS) to choose for your website, it can be overwhelming to navigate the multitude of options available. This is where a CMS evaluation matrix can be incredibly helpful in guiding your decision. By assessing different CMS platforms based on criteria such as user-friendliness, customization capabilities, and scalability, an evaluation matrix can provide you with a clear and objective overview of each platform’s strengths and weaknesses. A well-designed evaluation matrix can also save you time and money in the long run, ensuring that you choose the CMS platform that best meets your website’s needs. So if you’re in the market for a new CMS, don’t overlook the benefits of an evaluation matrix to help make your decision a smart and informed one.

Our approach is to create a simple spreadsheet that contains a comprehensive evaluation of different Content Management Systems (CMS) based on various criteria.

  1. CMS Name: This column lists the names of the CMS platforms being evaluated.
  2. Cost: This column assesses the cost factors associated with each CMS, such as licensing fees, subscription plans, or any additional expenses related to implementation, maintenance, or support.
  3. Ease of Use: This column evaluates the user-friendliness of each CMS, considering factors like the intuitiveness of the interface, ease of content creation and management, and the learning curve required for administrators and content editors.
  4. Customisation: This column assesses the level of customisation options offered by each CMS. It may consider factors such as the availability of pre-built themes or templates, the flexibility to modify the design and layout, and the ability to extend functionality through plugins or modules.
  5. Content Management Features: This column examines the core content management capabilities of each CMS. It may include factors like content creation and editing tools, media management, workflow management, version control, content scheduling, and multilingual support.
  6. SEO Friendliness: This column evaluates the CMS’s features and capabilities related to search engine optimisation (SEO). It may consider elements such as URL structure, meta tags, XML sitemap generation, canonical URLs, and other SEO best practices.
  7. Integration Capabilities: This column assesses the CMS’s ability to integrate with other systems or services. It may consider factors like API availability, support for third-party integrations (e.g., CRM, e-commerce, marketing automation), and the ease of data exchange with external applications.
  8. Security: This column evaluates the security features and measures provided by each CMS. It may consider factors such as user authentication, role-based access control, data encryption, protection against common vulnerabilities, and compliance with security standards.
  9. Support and Documentation: This column assesses the quality and availability of support resources and documentation provided by each CMS. It may consider factors like official support channels, community forums, knowledge bases, documentation, tutorials, and training materials.
  10. Overall Rating or Score: This column may provide an overall rating or score for each CMS based on the evaluation criteria. It allows for a comparative assessment of the CMS platforms, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.

I would like to point out that the specific criteria and evaluation factors may vary based on the organisation’s unique requirements and preferences. The evaluation matrix provided in the shared link should provide a structured framework for comparing and evaluating CMS platforms based on various criteria relevant to the organisation’s needs.

Simplified example of a CMS Evaluation Matrix:

CMSUX / SEO / PerformanceContent ManagementD365 IntegrationsLicencePopularityTOTAL
D365 Portals5383120



We have covered various aspects of Content Management Systems (CMS) and their evaluation. We started by discussing more than top 50 popular CMS platforms, dividing them into PHP and .NET categories. We then explored websites that can help compare CMS platforms based on different factors.

Moving on, we delved into the advantages of open-source CMS platforms, highlighting their flexibility, community support, cost-effectiveness, and wide adoption. We also discussed the advantages of paid/commercial license CMS platforms, such as dedicated support, advanced features, and assurance of quality and security.

Next, we examined how to evaluate CMS based on popularity and support, emphasising factors like market share, user ratings, active community, and availability of support resources. We followed up with evaluating CMS based on security and maintenance, considering aspects like security track record, features, updates, community engagement, and secure development practices.

Furthermore, we covered the evaluation of CMS based on the suitability for content publishers, highlighting factors like ease of use, scalability, customization, integration capabilities, and support for multi-site and multilingual content management.

We also explored factors influencing CMS suitability for enterprises, focusing on scalability, customization, security, integration capabilities, workflow management, and long-term vendor support.

In addition, we discussed factors influencing CMS suitability for integration, including flexible APIs, extensibility, pre-built integrations, compatibility with industry standards, data exchange formats, event-driven architecture, and developer resources and support.

Overall, we hope we provided a valuable start to your insight into CMS platforms, their evaluation criteria, advantages, and factors influencing their suitability for different purposes.

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