Teya Report

Dive into this report for an arsenal of actionable insights. Inside: exclusive personalised improvements, speed optimisation hacks, SEO quick-wins, and compelling data-driven content strategy. Your digital leap forward, in a nutshell.

Teya Report

OVERVIEW OF teya.com

Based on search results we analysed your site and provided top line comments about your site content indexed in Google.

  1. Card Payments Solutions for Businesses: Teya offers seamless payment solutions aimed at aiding local businesses. Their platform provides accessible and reliable tools designed to facilitate business operations.
  2. Multi-language Support: Teya’s website is available in multiple languages, indicating a broad international approach. Each version focuses on simplified payment solutions and secure payment terminals for small and growing businesses.
  3. Career Opportunities: careers section on Teya’s website highlights job openings and provides insights into working conditions and opportunities within the company.
  4. Customised Payment Solutions: Teya prides itself on not offering a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, they customise their services to meet the specific needs of businesses, supporting operations, financing, and growth with tailor-made solutions.
  5. Dedicated Support and Daily Business Growth: committed to providing daily support to help businesses flourish. Trusted payment solutions that are easy to use, boosting the operational efficiency of small local enterprises.
  6. Legal Terms: legal documents such as the Terms of Service are accessible through dedicated links, offering detailed contractual information in various languages, including Hungarian and Portuguese.




Content Gap

We are utilising data from SEO like Ahrefs to conduct a comprehensive analysis of top competing domains the content gap between your domain and its top competitors.

Book Full Content Audit



Top Competitors

The list is based on your website’s keywords and domains sharing similar keyword. Strategic business competitors list might different, however this list represents sites your content is currently competing against.


If you don’t recognise some or any of the names, it is likely your are ranking unrelated keywords your actual business competitors are, and should consider exploring this further to make sure you are not loosing out on relevant traffic due to a content gap.






Actions to maximise organic traffic

Here are the three most important detailed actions to increase organic traffic:

  • GOOGLE’S ‘FEATURED SNIPPETS – to greatly increase visibility and click-through rates.
  • Extensive ‘PEOPLE ALSO ASK / FAQ’ to drive additional traffic and organic ranking.
  • ‘KNOWLEDGE PANELS’, ‘THUMBNAILS’, AND ‘SITELINKS’ encouraging deeper engagement with the site content.


Here are the most important detailed actions to increase organic traffic:

Analyse data delimited by [[d]], these are our competitors keywords and rankings. Provide 3 most important domain specific actions that emulate competitors that should be carried out in order to gain most organic traffic. Output as a short concise unorder list in British English, briefly explaining why each point is important and without any news lines rn.

PASTE CSV – https://app.ahrefs.com/v2-site-explorer/organic-competitors?chartMode=top5&compareDate=prevMonth&competitors=&country=gb&currentDate=today&mode=subdomains&sort=keywordCommon&sortDirection=desc&target=teya.com%2F&volume_type=monthly



Quick Wins


Top Considerations for Website Speed

Test Results: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https://teya.com

Teya Report

We tested your site through Google PageSpeed Insights and evaluated the performance of a web page on both mobile and desktop devices, here are the biggest gains and suggestions on how to improve page load times.

Based on the performance analysis data, here are the most important actions to be taken to gain the most speed for the website:




Analyse data delimited by [[d]] and provide 5 most important actions that should be carried out in order to gain most speed. Output in British English, highlighting or underlining any data.
PASTE DATA – https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https://teya.com

Additionally, addressing the diagnostics like avoiding enormous network payloads, reducing the impact of third-party code, and minimizing main-thread work can further enhance the website’s performance. These actions focus on optimising content delivery and resource utilization, crucial for improving the website’s loading speed and user experience.


Book Full Website Speed Audit


Performance Averages

We’ve analysed a random sample of 20 URLs across your site:

Average speed Performance Score is 42%.


Book Premium Web Support Audit





Issues to fix

Analysing current on page SEO here’s a list of top issues which should be addressed.

Main Site

Teya Report

We’ve identified 6 high priority issues, 4 medium and a few low priority warnings from just one test.

Analyse data delimited by [[d]] and provide a short written summary mentioning a couple suggestions as an HTML paragraph noting total number of HIGH and MEDIUM issues. Explain why these are crucial to building organic traffic.
PASTE CSV – https://app.seositecheckup.com/dashboard


Analyse data delimited by [[d]] and provide the list of a very short overview of improvements in British English noting in a basic way why the improvement is important. Output in HTML, with bold and underline, skipping the opening and closing <html>, <head>,<title>,<body> tags and without any news lines rn so the tags don’t have anything in between.

PASTE CSV – Screaming Frog Issues Report – https://teya.com


Book Comprehensive SEO Review




External Review

We analysed your environments to check for any common problems.


List of security assessment results and recommendations following a external preliminary Vulnerability Scan.

Risk ratings:


Overall risk level: Low


Book Security Review

Analyse the vulnerability testing data delimited by [[d]] and list important (only ones with some Risk) findings and possible fixes as a HTML table with class=’styled-table’ In British English including these headers: Test Description, CVE, CVSS, Vulnerability, Risk Level, Risk Description, Recommendation. Output in HTML skipping the opening and closing html, head, title, body or style tags and without any news lines rn so the tags don’t have anything in between. Also state the results are preliminary and may contain false positives.

PASTE DATA – https://app.pentest-tools.com/allscans

Shared Hosting Detected

List of domains hosted on the same server:

This table includes the domain names and their last resolved dates, extracted from the provided data. The full data contains 58 domains, but only a few are shown here for brevity.

Analyse the data available delimited by [[d]] and output a sample of 10 domains as a HTML table with class=’styled-table’ In British English, output in HTML skipping the opening and closing html, head, title, body or style tags and without any news lines rn so the tags don’t have anything in between. Also state the number of domains.

PASTE DATA – https://api.viewdns.info/reverseip/?host=teya.com&apikey=d3482aea1255b90f7daa7a00d28c8b238737acd3&output=json

In the context of web hosting, particularly for businesses, opting for dedicated hosting can be a significant decision. Dedicated hosting provides an exclusive server for a single client, which means that the client does not share the server’s resources with any other users. This exclusivity can lead to enhanced performance, security, and control reputation—factors that are crucial for businesses that rely on their online presence for operations and revenue.





Full Site Review

We reviewed the site for accessibility and usability issues. Checked for broken links, spelling errors, browser compatibility, SEO, web standards, and WCAG compliance. Some signals indicate problems for older users, people with disabilities or accessibility needs. Automated testing cannot detect all issues, so should be used alongside human testing.

Accessibility, Usability and MISC

Overall Quality216 pages with quality issues21% have issues, worse than average
Errors132 pages with broken links or other errors13% have issues, better than average
Accessibility144 pages with accessibility problems14% have issues, better than average
Compatibility69 pages with browser specific issues7% have issues, better than average
Search3 pages with search engine issues1% have issues, better than average
Standards207 pages have W3C standards issues20% have issues, worse than average
Usability207 pages with usability issues20% have issues, worse than average
Totals1075 pages and files checked 



We tested the site via tools like thegreenwebfoundation.org and websitecarbon.com to verify if the website runs on green energy.

  • NO EVIDENCE FOUND FOR medigold-health.com and it’s host vultr.com. Unfortunately, we can’t find any evidence that this website runs on green energy


Website carbon results for: medigold-health.com

Teya Report