DiscreteHeat Report

Dive into this report for an arsenal of actionable insights. Inside: exclusive personalised improvements, speed optimisation hacks, SEO quick-wins, and compelling data-driven content strategy. Your digital leap forward, in a nutshell.

DiscreteHeat Report

Executive Summary

The DiscreteHeat website boots good accessibility and hosting. However, some potential issues need be to addressed. Its speed and sustainability are rather low. This affects both user experience and potentially the environment. The problem lies in slow content and resource blocking. Optimise for better speed and user experience. Suggested improvement: 30% increase in speed by addressing itemised issues.

The site’s security might require a review. Vulnerabilities like insecure cookies and CORS misconfigurations are risky. Implementing security measures can prevent unauthorised access and data breaches. Fixing structured data and custom error pages will improve SEO. It will increase visibility and organic traffic. Improving speed, security, and SEO will greatly enhance the website chances of outperforming competitors. It will make it faster and more secure and help its SEO. This will improve its performance and user satisfaction. Suggested improvement: 25% increase in security by addressing these vulnerabilities.

Key Highlights

Speed Improvement needed


Security Cross Check Needed




Overall Digital Performance

  • SEO Market Position 73% 73%
  • Content Gap Closure 65% 65%
  • Speed 48% 48%
  • Hosting 75% 75%
  • Security 60% 60%
  • Accessibility 84% 84%
  • Sustainability 10% 10%

Site Overall


Average Site Performance

OVERVIEW OF discreteheat.com

Based on search results we analysed your site and provided top line comments about your site content indexed in Google.

  1. Product Offering: DiscreteHeat specializes in innovative heating solutions, prominently featuring ThermaSkirt, a skirting board that doubles as a radiator, providing radiant heating similar to underfloor systems.
  2. Training and Support: The company offers comprehensive training for installers and continuous customer support, ensuring effective use and installation of their products.
  3. Technical Specifications: ThermaSkirt products are made from an aluminium polymer alloy with reinforced glass nylon connectors, and are CE Marked to BS EN 442-1, ensuring high standards of quality and safety.
  4. Market Applications: ThermaSkirt is marketed as suitable for various sectors including residential, commercial, and architectural projects, highlighting its versatility and efficiency in different settings.
  5. Online Resources: DiscreteHeat provides a range of online resources including instructional videos, technical data, and a design software tool to assist in planning and implementing their heating solutions.
  6. Additional Policies and Services: Policies on returns, refunds, and complaints, and offers specific services like CPD registration and a modern slavery policy, demonstrating commitment to customer service and ethical practices.



Content Gap

We are utilising data from SEO like Ahrefs to conduct a comprehensive analysis of top competing domains and the content gap between your domain and its top competitors.

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Top Competitors



The list is based on your website’s keywords and domains sharing similar keywords. Strategic business competitors list might be different, however this list represents sites your content is currently competing against.


If you don’t recognise some or any of the names, it is likely you are ranking for keywords unrelated to your actual business competitors are. Consider exploring this further to make sure you are not losing out on relevant traffic due to a content gap.






Actions to maximise organic traffic

Here are the three most important detailed actions to increase organic traffic:

  • Optimise for high-volume keywords: Competitors like bradfords.co.uk and theunderfloorheatingstore.com rank for a large number of keywords, which correlates with higher traffic. Focusing on SEO strategies to target high-volume keywords within the domain can significantly increase organic traffic.
  • Improve Domain Rating (DR): Sites with higher DR like nu-heat.co.uk and theunderfloorheatingstore.com tend to have better traffic. Investing in building high-quality backlinks and improving site authority can enhance visibility and organic reach.
  • Content Expansion: Competitors with a higher number of pages (e.g., bradfords.co.uk) tend to maintain or increase their traffic over time. Expanding the website’s content to cover more topics related to underfloor heating can attract a broader audience and improve engagement.



Quick Wins


Top Considerations for Website Speed

Test Results: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

We tested your site through Google PageSpeed Insights and evaluated the performance of a web page on both mobile and desktop devices. Here are the biggest gains and suggestions on how to improve page load times.

Based on the performance analysis data, here are the most important actions to be taken to gain the most speed for the website:

  • Optimise Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): The LCP is 15.2 seconds, far above the 2.5-second target. Improving it involves optimising images. It also means speeding up server response times. And, removing large, unneeded elements that slow the main thread.

  • Reduce Total Blocking Time (TBT): The current TBT is 1,570 ms. To cut this, we need to reduce third-party code’s impact and main-thread work (which currently takes 6.2 seconds). This includes delaying non-critical JavaScript and optimising the rest.

  • Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources. Remove or delay resources that block rendering, like CSS and JavaScript. This can save 1,550 ms. This speeds up interaction.

  • Efficiently Encode and Properly Size Images: Changing image formats can save 2,735 KiB. Correctly sizing images can save another 1,134 KiB. These steps reduce the site’s size and improve loading.

  • Reduce Unused JavaScript and CSS: By cutting unused JavaScript and CSS, we can save 584 KiB and 65 KiB, respectively. This reduces data downloads and processing, making the site faster.

Additionally, addressing the diagnostics like avoiding enormous network payloads, reducing the impact of third-party code, and minimising main-thread work can further enhance the website’s performance. These actions focus on optimising content delivery and resource utilisation, crucial for improving the website’s loading speed and user experience.


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Performance Averages

We’ve analysed a random sample of 20 URLs across your site:

Average speed Performance Score is 48%.


Performance Score












































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Issues to fix

Analysing current on page SEO here’s a list of top issues which should be addressed.

Main Site

This website received an SEO score of 73 out of 100, which is below the average score of 74. However, there are 16 important issues that need to be fixed to improve your website’s ranking on search engines and enhance its overall performance.

We’ve identified 5 high priority issues, 4 medium and a few low priority warnings from just one test.

The data shows 5 HIGH issues and 4 MEDIUM issues important for growing organic traffic. The HIGH issues are crucial. These include making a custom 404 page, using structured data, and speeding up pages. These impact user experience and SEO. Fixing them can lower bounce rates and keep users engaged, boosting traffic. The MEDIUM issues, like fixing image distortions and adding social media tags, also help. Fixing these makes the site more attractive. First, tackle the HIGH issues, then the MEDIUM ones. This strategy improves site performance and user engagement.


  • Fixing canonical URLs helps search engines find the right pages. This step is crucial for site indexing and avoiding duplicate content.
  • Fixing client errors, such as 404 and 403, ensures all links work. This improves user experience and site reliability.
  • Switching all resources to HTTPS in mixed content cases makes the site secure. This is key for user trust and security.
  • Adding missing page titles boosts SEO and search visibility. It also increases user engagement and site traffic.
  • Ensuring all URLs and internal links are HTTPS enhances security and trust. Browsers flag HTTP sites as ‘not secure.’
  • Plus 11 more…

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External Review

We analysed your environments to check for any common problems.


List of security assessment results and recommendations following an external preliminary Vulnerability Scan.

Risk ratings:


Overall risk level: MEDIUM

VulnerabilityRisk LevelRisk Description
Insecure cookie setting: missing Secure flagMediumThe risk exists that an attacker will intercept the clear-text communication between the browser and the server and steal the user’s cookie. If this is a session cookie, the attacker could gain unauthorised access to the victim’s web session.
CORS misconfigurationMediumThe risk is that any sensitive content hosted on the application can be read in the browser by JavaScript on any attacker-controlled domain. In combination with a true value for the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header, an attacker could read the data of a user authenticated on your application.
Vulnerabilities found for server-side softwareMediumThe risk is that an attacker could search for an appropriate exploit (or create one) for any of these vulnerabilities and use it to attack the system.

Note: These results are preliminary and may contain false positives.

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Shared Hosting NOT Detected

List of domains hosted on the same server:

This table includes the domain names and their last resolved dates, extracted from the provided data. The full data contains 5 domains, but only a few are shown here for brevity.

Domain NameLast Resolved Date

In the context of web hosting, particularly for businesses, opting for dedicated hosting can be a significant decision. Dedicated hosting provides an exclusive server for a single client, which means that the client does not share the server’s resources with any other users. This exclusivity can lead to enhanced performance, security, and control reputation—factors that are crucial for businesses that rely on their online presence for operations and revenue.




Full Site Review

We reviewed the site for accessibility and usability issues. Checked for broken links, spelling errors, browser compatibility, SEO, web standards, and WCAG compliance. Some signals indicate problems for older users, people with disabilities or accessibility needs. Automated testing cannot detect all issues, so should be used alongside human testing.

Accessibility, Usability and MISC

Overall Quality341 pages with quality issues16% have issues, worse than average
Errors222 pages with broken links or other errors11% have issues, better than average
Accessibility326 pages with accessibility problems16% have issues, better than average
Compatibility7 pages with browser specific issues1% have issues, better than average
Search82 pages with search engine issues4% have issues, better than average
Standards241 pages have W3C standards issues12% have issues, better than average
Usability242 pages with usability issues12% have issues, better than average
Totals2147 pages and files checked 



We tested the site via tools like thegreenwebfoundation.org and websitecarbon.com to verify if the website runs on green energy.

  • NO EVIDENCE FOUND FOR www.discreteheat.com: Unfortunately, we can’t find any evidence in our Green Web Dataset that this website hosted by Nuco Technologies Ltd (HOSTIT-MK-AS) runs on green energy.

Website Carbon results: 

  • Oh no! This web page achieves a carbon rating of F. This is dirtier than 90% of all web pages globally.

DiscreteHeat Report